There hasn't been any interesting weather going on around here lately, so I'm going to start posting a wild weather event from around the world when our own weather becomes... well, boring.
Over the past two weeks, wildfires have burned about 125 square miles of forest parched by drought in southeast Georgia and destroyed 22 homes. The fire started April 16 when a downed power line ignited tinder-dry trees in Ware County, Georgia. The smoke from the fire has enveloped Jacksonville, Florida and Orlando, Florida which is over 200 miles away.
The entire southeastern part of the US is in an extreme drought. From the start of the year up until late April, Waycross county would have normally received just over 15 inches of rain. Instead, it has received less than 2 inches of rain!
This is a picture of the fires in Georgia. You can see from this image that the smoke is traveling to the southeast for several hundred miles.