Overall, the month ended 6.5 degrees above normal with the warmest temperature being 87.8 degrees on the 8th of the month and the lowest temperature being 29.7 on the 29th. The first hard frost of the season occurred on the morning of 29th.

The month ended up being near normal in precipitation, but still fell short of normal by 0.16". Total precipitation for the month ended at 2.69". The largest 24 hour rainfall was 0.92" on the 23rd. This was from a very large storm system that dropped up to 7 inches of rain along the Ohio River. The farther north you traveled from the river, the less rainfall fell. We were right on the edge of the heavy rain. Fortunately though, this was enough to put a large dent in our drought assessment. Currently, we are on the edge of the "abnormally dry" category. Our rainfall deficit for the year now stands at 9.95" below normal. I have to say though that this is likely inaccurate because of the lack of a rain-collector heater which allows accurate measurement of winter precipitation.