Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving Climatology

Thanksgiving is observed every year on the fourth Thursday during the month of November, as designated by Congress in 1941. This means it can fall on any day between the 22nd and 28th of November. This year the date happens to fall on the 25th. The Thanksgiving Day forecast for central Indiana looks cold, with a chance for snow flurries. HIgh temperatures will rise only into the upper 30s and lower 40s.

The following are some historical climate statistics for Indianapolis on Thanksgiving Day.

Average High Temp
Average Low Temp
Average Precipitation
Average Snowfall
Warmest High Temp
Coldest High Temp
Warmest Low Temp
Coldest Low Temp
74 in 1900
14 in 1930
55 in 1966
1 in 1930
69 in 1973
24 in 1893
55 in 1896
6 in 1950
69 in 1896
24 in 1881
53 in 1879
10 in 1881
68 in 1934
25 in 1903
50 in 1979
10 in 1871
68 in 1915
26 in 1956
48 in 1883
12 in 1872

Most Precipitation

Most Snowfall

Most Snow on Ground

1.01” in 1951

2.4” in 1902

2” in 1975

0.93” in 1968

2.0” in 1959

1” in 1971

0.89” in 1916

0.9” in 1953

1” in 1959

0.88” in 1887

0.5” in 1980


0.74” in 1993

0.5” in 1889

* There has been a Trace of snow on the ground in numerous years: 2004, 1980, 1956, 1953, 1950, 1936.

Official Weather records began in the Indianapolis area with Temperature and Precipitation in 1871 and Snowfall in 1884.

Data compiled by the Indianapolis National Weather Service

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